Pranayama & the overarching elements of Breathwork Teacher Training: Apply Here


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Pranayama One Membership
  • About Us
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    Born from the Breath

    Live experiences to support
    your journey of self-discovery, connection
    and transformation.

    A message from our founder >

    Our Passion

    We Teach Pranayama

    The teachings of prana run deep and in all directions. We use pranayama as a medium to educate the public as to how we are interconnected via the breath. Tying it all together and presenting it in a fun, intellectual, applicable fashion is our passion.

    Inspiring Deeper Knowledge: Overarching Breathwork

    We offer teachings to inspire aspirants to learn all aspects of breathwork. Just as a wise professor of biology would not simply teach about the cell but also on the various forms of life that cells inhabit and if their pedagogical skills are profound they could interrelate it to consciousness or cosmology for that matter.

    Holding Space

    We stewart a healthy community environment for everyone to share their experiences & grow together. Live Streaming & Courses are a vibrant part of this community. You may visit our membership page here: Pranayama One.

    Pranayama One

    is our online community,
    built to get you started & keep you motivated.

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